Lian Duan




Vancouver, BC Canada



API Development (API, REST), Microservice Development , Back-End Security


Languages: TypeScript, Python, JavaScript, Java, PHP, C++, SQL/MySQL

Frameworks: ExpressJS, NodeJS, VueJS, Sequelize, OAuth2.0, CodeIgniter, JQuery

Toolsets/OS: MacOS, Ubuntu, Git/GitHub, Jenkins, Heroku, AWS SES, CentOS


University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

B.Sc., Computer Science (expected Spring, 2023)

2017 - Present


Agile Developer (Infrastructure) Intern, SAP

Infrastructure Developer Intern

  • Enabled broad overview of micro-service deployment statuses by implementing a deployment dashboard, allowing for rapid response of team members to failing deployments by cutting search times by up to 75%.
  • Worked on automatation for verification and whitelisting of valid API requests for SAP HANA's Data Collection Service, responsible for ingesting and aggregating data within SAP microservices.
  • Updated, maintained and deployed micro-services belonging to the SAP S4/HANA Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) suite utilized by over 7,500 companies globally to provide real time analytics for their data.

2021 - 2022

Web Software Developer Co-op, Form Swim (formerly Form Athletica)

Coop Web Software Developer

  • Developed, updated and maintained back-end REST API routes utilized by the mobile app for 45,000+ active swimmers using TypeScript, MySQL and AWS services.
  • Implemented database, back-end, and API support for ``Verified'' and ``Professional'' displayable user badges showcased in the mobile app using Express and Sequelize.
  • Set up staff alerts on production firmware releases, increasing automation release coverage by 66% by using AWS Lambda functions with delivery through AWS SES

2020 - 2020

Web Applications Developer, LedgerDocs

Developer of LedgerDoc's OCR module

  • Reduced the load on server instances by up to 99.7% and eliminated server crashing occurrences by implementing a job queue system to distribute high CPU consumption during peak processing hours.
  • Implemented an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system responsible for the reading, processing, and parsing of 30,000+ photographic invoices per annual quarter by including Tesseract onto the existing codebase.
  • Proposed and prototyped a Twilio Client and REST API that allows for communication with the web platform through SMS text using Node.JS with, Express.JS and Twilio NPM Modules

2019 - 2020


Flight Sergeant & Senior Cadet Instructor, 513 Hornet Squadron Cadets Canada

Cadet Instructor and Flight Commander of Hurricane Flight

  • Managed a flight of approximately 30 cadets, ensuring attendance, uniform standards and general standards were met
  • Taught leadership and marksmanship classes
  • Assisted Officers in running activities and parades

2012 - 2017

Vice President, Burnaby Mountain Secondary Music Department

Vice President of the Music Department

  • Managed and catalyzed brainstorming, planning and running of events within the music department to promote the student experience
  • Oversaw and managed the set-up, take-down and intermission of concerts

2016 - 2017

Recreational Volunteer, Burquitlam Lions Care Centre

Recreational Volunteer

  • Assisted nursing staff in providing companionship and giving aid to residents in the care home
  • Provided visits in addition to conversing with residents

2015 - 2016


British Columbia Government BC Achievement Scholarship, British Columbia Government, 2017

BC Achievement Scholarships recognize the top 8,000 graduates in the province.


Available upon request